
如果《权力的游戏》的主角们生活在现代,会是什么造型呢?法国插画师 Mike Wrobel 为我们揭秘了! 英文介绍,不译了,大家将就着看吧! Mike Wrobel is giving various Game of Thrones characters ‘80s and…

如果《权力的游戏》的主角们生活在现代,会是什么造型呢?法国插画师 Mike Wrobel 为我们揭秘了!


Mike Wrobel is giving various Game of Thrones characters ‘80s and ‘90s-era makeovers in an ongoing project on his blog. He’s a French creative director currently based in Tokyo who attributes his passion for pop culture with the fact that he was raised on a healthy diet of X-Files episodes and Street Fighter games.

The characters on Game of Thrones are in fact such characters that it’s hard to imagine them in any sort of relatable reality, and that’s just what makes Wrobel’s illustrations so great.

Each character depiction takes personality and plot into account. Khal Drogo is reimagined as a Kiss and Nine Inch Nails listening, guitar toting, rock musician. Sensa Stark appears as an angsty, Trapper Keeper-carrying student. Daenerys Targaryen traded her dragons for pet ferrets and Jaime Lannister looks like he came straight out of an episode of Miami Vice.

You can check Wrobel’s Tumblr blog for future additions to the series or purchase prints through Society6.



另外,插画师Mike Wrobel的tumblr主页上有许多他设计的插画,大家感兴趣的也可以去看看!!

